Monday 19 February 2018

Pika or Pika. You say to-mate-o: I say to-maht-o

I used to pronounce pika, peeka, but then began to wonder since half the world seemed to be saying pike-a.

I read that the word was first used in 1827 and comes from Tunguse, a Siberian language, piika, pronounced peeka, or peaker, if you really like. The Canadians claim the correct pronunciation, with pike-a being very much American, as in United States of.

So, it is definitely peeka from now on.

Plateau Pika and the extensive burrows on the Tibetan Plateau


  1. Helpful, thanks! Will continue pronouncing it in the objectively correct Canadian way.

  2. also it makes a “peek” noise so “pee-kah” makes more sense.

  3. Only certain Americans pronounce it wrongly. In Washington State, for example, I know for a fact they say "pee-ka."

    1. I am from WA and I always said pike-uh (until just now when I learned this after having a dispute with a friend), although I may have learned the incorrect pronunciation in Colorado.

  4. Why do British people pronounce it as “pie-kuh”
